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tv   ABC7 News at 900PM on KOFY  KOFY  March 24, 2013 9:00pm-9:30pm PDT

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♪ i'll be the boy in the ♪ corduroy pants. ♪ you be the girl at the high ♪ school dance. ♪ run with me wherever i go. ♪ just play dumb, ♪ whatever you know. ♪ oh, yeah, you wreck me, ♪ baby. ♪ you break me in two, but you ♪ move me, honey. ♪ yes, you do. ♪ you wreck me, baby. ♪ you break me in two, but you ♪ move me, honey. ♪ yes, you do. [music]
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next on "abc 7 news" at 9:00 the, take you inside a tierful memorial. plus, a bay area soldier has died, we'll hear from a family friend.
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good evening, i'm baits bait. a north bay teenager was remembered as a memorial. marcus johnson was killed last weekend when his cousin lost control of a race car. >> with heavy, heavy hearts we come here today, not with all the answers but with a lot of hurt. >> a memorial with marcus johnson here at santa rosa bible church. his life was kron called on stage from infancy to basketball to a go-cart racer. they had a loving and supportive relationship. his short life touched hundreds of people. they gathered at the church to honor and celebrate his life. his mother deanna johnson was deeply touched. >> i'm overwhelmed by the number of people that are here. he would be overwhelmed i think
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he would say, wow, cool. >> he was killed march 16th when a sprinted car driven by his cousin chase johnson malfunctioned. the car geared off the track killing mar kiss and a supporter. his mother mentioned taking him to school each day. >> it's going to be really hard taking him to school and picking him up every day. every day i pass middle rincon road and have tears in my eyes. >> they talked about his behavior and young female friend broke down in tears for a song dedicated to marcus. >> his family said he would like to help students that are less fortunate. some of the money will go to help to pay for students. if you are interested in donating go to and click on "see it on tv". >> ama: search crews have been
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unable to find a man missing in half moon bay. he was last seen at roosevelt beach before 3:00. 22-year-old was playing football with friends on the beach. he hit the surf. coastguard chopper joined the search but couldn't find him. >> a bay area soldier highly bulldozing rated for his service died after being injured in afghanistan. he died thursday at medical center in germany. he was injured in a shootout in afghanistan just days before he was scheduled to return home. the 31-year-old was from hayward. we talked to a neighbor today that has nobody the family for four decades. >> he was a great kid. he liked bugs and snakes. he was a terrific kid. i almost broke down crying. he was just like family to us. >> ama: he graduated from
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mounted eden high school and previously served in iraq. after his death he received the bronze star medal. we are learning more tonight about the 19-year-old marine from oakley who was shot and killed last week in virginia. he was the youngest of three children and a graduate of liberty high school in brentwood where she was on the honor role. she was murdered last thursday along with another marine at quantico. they say a sergeant lopez of pacifica was the gunman. we will hear from the family coming up at 11:00. people are now back in their homes after a gas leak forced an evacuation i in milpitas today. a worker doing routine maintenance broke a valve on a residential service line just around 1:00 this afternoon.
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it happened in the area of lassen avenue and victoria drive. there were no reports of injuries. postal workers made special sunday deliveries dropping off cards urging customers in a crusade against service cutbacks >> workers chanted to save saturday deliveries. postal service has to find ways to get rid of billion dollars of debt. they believe that stopping saturday deliveries and closing postal centers across america. >> work with the partners to make changes to reform the postal service in the future. >> ama: changing a law that requires the postal service to pay billions of dollars each year to find healthcare benefits for future retirees. >> commuters along the san mateo
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coast will have an easier drive. the tunnel at devil's slide will be officially open. they will celebrate the opening in pacifica and another location >> a record number of people hit the streets of oakland today for the oakland running festival. 9100 competitors joined the 5-k and full and half marathon and four person team relay. they were happy to see double the number of runners last year. they are usually new to the sport so there is an increase in interest in the race. women's winner set a record, finished in two hours, 47 minutes and 24 seconds. male winner is from berkeley, finished. coming up video showing an
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aggressive shark penetrate ago diver's cage. a man watching the whole thing from feet away. one wrong turn leads to a rough ride. how a car ended up on a neighbor's roof. ♪ >> if you've ever been haunted by that song that gets stuck in your head, how scientists say how you can captor size those bad tunes. >> i'm leigh glaser and beautiful spring weekend. this up coming week we're
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>> ama: the supreme court will hear arguments on two same-sex marriages cases this week. they are deciding the
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constitutionality of proposition 8. it banned same-sex marriage after the state's highest court ruled it was legal. on wednesday the courted considers the defense of marriage act which denies federal benefits to married same-sex couples. nine states and the district of columbia allow same-sex marriage. nine more has strong domestic partnership laws. the court is expected to rule late in june. carolyn tyler is travel to washington, d.c. >> she will be sitting in court when the nation's highest court considers whether california's proposition 8 wrongly denies the right to marry. the live reports begin here on tuesday. besides gay marriage, they will hear arguments on a case involving billions of consumer dollars. at issue is brand name drug companies and generic drug a makerers. they will argue the deals cost taxpayers more than $3 billion a year by delaying the luggage of
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cheaper generics. scientists say they have a way to get rid of that annoying song that gets stuck in your head. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ama: but i like all those songs. repeat in your head when they are catchy and mind under stress. researchers say there is a way to get rid of them. you need to task that is not too complicated because it uses same part of the game. doing anograms can stop the loop. other puzzles are mazes are more difficult can get the job done. >> coming up, a shark gets into the cage with two divers. we'll look at the wild video and hear from a man who saw it all from a few feet away. >> also, next, leigh glaser will get into the weather center and
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hopefully the forecast isn't too wild. >> and cinderella team of men's ncaa has to be florida gulf coast. coast. eagles is to [ man ] i got this citi thankyou card and started
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earning loads of points. we'll leave that there. you got a weather balloon, with points? yes i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. go. ♪ keep on going in this direction. take this bridge over here. there it is! [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] earn points with the citi thankyou card and redeem them for just about anything. visit to apply.
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>> tomorrow a hawk is recovering after being en tanning old a pg&e line. you can see the hawk was 30 feet off the ground and pg&e and wildlife crews assisted in the skru. they brought it down and then a
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wildlife worker took it to the vet and tracked down the handler. this was the second time the bird had to be rescued from the pg&e pole. it became entangled in razor wire a mile from this location. >> it was a close call in a shark cage off of south africa. >> oh my god! >> the video shows the great white shark bursting in the cage. it ignored the food and went straight for his side. he went between the bars. the man on the right barely made it out alive. >> he did swim under the viewing bar of the area you can look out didn't think it would go down and avoid it. >> ama: the divers were newlyweds going on a honeymoon
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adventure. >> in southern california an out of control car landed on a roof of a house. he says he couldn't stop. they used a ladder to get the couple down from the roof. >> i was so scared. it was very bad. >> my back is hurting but i don't think i broke anything. i can see we were very lucky. >> there was someone in the house where the car landed but he was not injured. the driver was just next-door. investigators will have the car tested to see if anything was wrong with it. nothing wrong with our weather today except it is changing for the weekend. >> it is changing for the weekend. clouds are moving in. live doppler 7-hd picking up some of the high and low clouds. starting to make its way close to the coast. you can see the golden gate bridge and southern marin county and vallejo seeing some of the clouds cover. no moisture coming out of the
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clouds but things will change for us in the next 24-36 hours. here is a look at some of our highs today. spring, indeed, 70 was the high in santa rosa. 60 in san francisco. concord a high of 71 degrees. livermore is at 74 and 73 in santa cruz. right now with some of those clouds moving over downtown san francisco, san francisco checking in at 50 degrees. san jose, 53. half moon bay in the upper 40s. we are looking at santa rosa at 50. 57 fairfield and hayward 51 degrees. he a look at the forecast highlights. cloud overnight. partly cloudy day on monday. showers likely by the lat are part of our workweek. lows with the clouds overhead, a little warmer but not as cold as last night. we'll go mid to low 40s in the north and east bay locations. antioch overnight, 44 degrees.
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santa rosa, 40 for you. we'll keep the low clouds near santa cruz, 42 degrees. here is the setup. high pressure will give us a terrific weekend and back off a little bit tomorrow. that is going to allow more high clouds to sink in. all of it means the temperatures come down a few degrees. what we are keeping a close eye is an area of low pressure. it looks impressive but by the time it gets here it will fall apart. we will look for a chance, few sprinkles and maybe just a light shower as we head into tuesday and mainly in the north bay. then another system that will be flirting with us through the latter part of our workweek. animation, tuesday, 5:00 a.m. you see the clouds with us. then as we work our way through the day, peekaboo, hit and miss
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sun and we may see a stray shower north of the bridge up in sonoma and napa county. that is pretty much about it. we will continue to see some clearing tuesday night and then another system could bring were us a chance of sprinkles on monday. >> 70 on cupertino. 67 for palo alto. san francisco, 62 degrees. remember the north bay clouds will be moving in. 66 petaluma. in the east bay, 68 degrees and fremont. concord, very mild and mixture of sun and clouds. accu-weather seven-day forecast, changes, you'll notice the temperatures coming down. a chance of sprinkle or two on tuesday, maybe a sprinkle on wednesday. then as we head towards the weekend, a better chance of seeing an organized system move in here friday, possibly saturday and possibly over easter sunday.
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we'll keep you update on that. >> ama: thanks so much. shu is here with sports. cool thing about march madness you get a good story or two out of it. >> every year ncaa tournament a team comes out of nowhere. cinderella team has to be florida gulf coast. they could not contain the high flying act. aaron mcknight. just getting starting. chase, that is vildz, and closing in the second half. bernard thompson, 2 of his 23. gets the team pumped up. then mcknight finishes with the alley-oop. is it fun to watch or what? and 81-71 victory and they will get third seed florida. thriller of the day, kent state
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and iowa state. he drives and there is a foul. under two minutes left. cyclones up by one, but they call an offensive foul. questionable call by the officials. they can't believe it. instead of 4-point lead tied. and are you kidding me? ohio state on to the sweet 16 for the fourth straight year, will take on arizona. >> 12 ath 13th seed. tied at 64. explorers banks it in. la salle is up two. ole miss misses the ball and la salle moving on for the sweet 16 with a 2-point victory and leigh glaser not happy. >> for the women, stanford held off tulsa. game tied at 24 at the break but
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stanford was firing in the second half. taylor greenfield, deep jumper and the foul. she had nine. then pac-12 player of the year, took over too much for tulsa. she finished with 29 points, stanford wins big, they will take on michigan tuesday night. >> i knew the first 20 or so minutes, the beauty of our team. we put all those things aside. we just really work hard. this generally about a team that plays for eem each other and peaks. >> a's hosting the dodgers. a's have six players for two infield spots. a former stanford star is making some noise. it must be tough on bob melvin. is it me or the a's fans getting younger? and jeff lowery fighting for an
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infield spot. third homer ties the game at 2. griffin, four earned runs, struck out 8. a's explode with five runs in the third. tapped off by a two-run bomb, a's go on to win it 7-4. >> final round of the arnold palmer invitational check out this shot. feet in the water, two bounces, taps it in. shot of the day. sergio garcia from the tree manages to get back on the court. tiger looking to be the world's number one golfer since 2010. opened a lead with a birdie but play was suspended. a severe storm and hopefully they can finish tomorrow. nascar 400, hamlin tied in the final lap. they made contact with less than
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a miami to go. kyle busch takes the checkered flag for the first win of the season. more from the ncaa tournaments at 11:00. [ male announcer ] fact: the 100% electric nissan leaf... is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster. and will charge. cool. and heat. from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever. good for the world. built in america. now, leaf's an easier choice than ever. ♪ shop at ♪
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